【同义词辨析】 2018-08-13 厌腻satiate-gorge

satiate, sate: may sometimes imply only a complete satisfaction but more often suggests fullness that has destroyed interest or desire: movies that purported to ~ their appetite for violence; audiences were ~d with dizzying visual effects. (purport声称,主旨=claim, 如a book that purports to tell the whole truth声称讲述了全部事实的书)   dizzy: 头晕目眩

surfeit: implies a fullness to the point of nausea or disgust: ~ed themselves with junk food. (disgust恶心=只是不喜欢, nausea恶心而且想吐a wave of nausea swept over her她觉得一阵恶心)

cloy: stresses the disgust or boredom resulting from such surfeiting: sentimental pictures that ~ after a while.

pall: emphasizes the loss of ability to stimulate interest or appetite: even a tropical paradise begins to ~ after ten trips.   paradise乐土乐园伊甸园

glut: implies an excess in feeding or supplying that chokes or impedes: bookstores ~ted with diet books.

gorge: suggests a glutting to the point of bursting or choking: ~ themselves with chocolate.

satiate,sate完全过度满足: 表示完全满足,或失去兴趣欲望,surfeit过量: 过量到恶心想吐,cloy发腻: 强调恶心无趣(boredom无聊指缺乏刺激挑战因此没有兴趣),pall变乏味: 强调丧失兴趣胃口,glut充斥: 过量供给(feed喂养供养,supply供应)以至于阻塞(choke阻塞呼吸,如choke on a bit of apple被一块苹果以噎住,impede阻碍行动, 如tight clothing impeded my movement衣服太紧阻碍行动),gorge过量: 拼命吃,好像要阻塞爆裂(choke, burst),。

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSCPGG想成水果水果差评<==吃太多变厌腻

         2)厌腻的意思是填满过量mean to fill completely or to excess.